Review: Looking For Alaska by John Green

Looking for Alaska - John Green


Before. Miles "Pudge" Halter's whole existence has been one big nonevent, and his obsession with famous last words has only made him crave the "Great Perhaps" (François Rabelais, poet) even more. Then he heads off to the sometimes crazy, possibly unstable, and anything-but-boring world of Culver Creek Boarding School, and his life becomes the opposite of safe. Because down the hall is Alaska Young. The gorgeous, clever, funny, sexy, self-destructive, screwed-up, and utterly fascinating Alaska Young, who is an event unto herself. She pulls Pudge into her world, launches him into the Great Perhaps, and steals his heart.

After. Nothing is ever the same.


My opinion:

You must be surprised by now to see me reviewing a John Green book. I've read all of his back in September, right?

I read all of his 4 other books back then, but I read Looking For Alaska about two and a half years ago. Back then I remember liking it, but I thought it was just a meh (I also didn't write a review for this on my blog because it didn't exist back then). Still I gave it 4 stars on Goodreads so I wanted to re-read to see why I have it 4 stars.


So I re-read it and LOVED IT! It has become my favorite book of his and now I understand it why so many people love this one even more than The Fault In Our Stars.


Here are some keywords I wrote down why I love it now even more:

College (or was it high school? I totally forgot that aspect!), Alaska likes books (and has many unread books), Miles hates sport and his obsessed with last words en biographies (same and I want to read more of those), Alaska got at her 7 birthday as a present that she got to choose her own name (her parents gave that to her: how awesome?!) and that Great Perhaps thing grabbed me even more!


What is your opinion about Looking For Alaska?