Review: The Kiss, The Two Volodyas and Gooseberries by Anton Chekhov (Penguin Little Black Classic #34)

Gooseberries (Little Black Classics #34) - Anton Chekhov


The Kiss is about hope in love etc. 

The Two Volodyas is about a woman who rethinks her marriage and feels she married him for money instead of love and goes kinda crazy.

Gooseberries is about finding happiness and about hope and freedom.


My opinion:

This is what I think every Little Black Classic should be like. I loved all of the stories and I cannot wait to read more by this author (which is also not good because now I want to buy more books ha). I can't see which one my favorite story is, but if I have to choose I'll choose Gooseberries, because it has not only Russian themes in it, but also themes that are still relevant today. If you want to buy a little black classic, i highly recommend this one.


Have you read anything by Anton Chekhov and if so what is your opinion about his work/any recommendations?