Bookhaul #28

For upcoming month I only bought 2 books and one of them is a Little Black Classic. I want to tackle down my tbr so this means not buying many books. These are the ones I bought:

- Shirley by Charlotte Brontë

- A Nervous Breakdown by Anton Chekhov

- Along for the ride by Sarah Dessen


I wanted Shirley because I want to read something else by Charlotte Brontë and this edition will be out of print soon, so I ordered it before it was too late. 

After I read the other short story collection by Anton Chekhov I wanted to read something else by him, before I bought the entire collection. 

Because I have so many unread classics and not so many light reads, I decided to pick up a Sarah Dessen book. I already own almost all of them (I still need to buy 3 of her ya novels and her adult one) so of course I bought a new book by her. This one seems really cute.


What books have you bought recently?