Thank you | The Classics Book tag journey

As the creater of The Classics Book tag I never thought the tag would be so welcome on Booktube so I couldn’t believe it when it did. So many of you have done the tag as well and that way I found so, so many Booktubers that I still watch today.

When I started reading classics I was looking on Booktube for recommendations and Booktubers that weren’t talking about the popular young adult books and at that time I couldn’t find that many, so I decided to create this tag. It has now been more than three years since I posted it and even today I still see new videos of readers doing this tag. It is also inspiring to see that quite a few reader started a Booktube channel because of this tag. (If you haven’t seen/read my version yet, which I’m sure you already have, you can read it here).


I also never thought I would see this tag in so many different languages. I don’t know that many languages, so unfortunately I couldn’t watch them all. If you would like to watch all the videos and see the evolution of the tag, I (finally) created a playlist so now you can watch them all at once. Here’s the link to the playlist: list=PLxTdj6OFcb2pO050P44iX3dkSnx6AZDPP

It will take you a few hours, because over two hundred readers have done it, so I just want to say thank you for getting excited to talk about all the classics!


Seeing my original post I think I might do an update, because I read so many classics ever since. If you have also done the tag as a blogpost, let me know because I haven’t been checking those out yet. 


I just want to say thank you to all of you who have done the tag and found out about the classic side of Booktube/blogger community. 


What is your favorite classic of all time and why?