July wrap-up

I've finally had a successful reading (and watching) month! I've read 10 books in total. These are all the books I've read:

  • Carrie by Stephen King 4.5/5 ★ review
  • City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments #2) by Cassandra Clare 4/5★
  • Rite of Rejection by Sarah Negovetich 4/5★ review
  • Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy 1.5/5★ review
  • City of Glass (The Mortal Instruments #3 by Cassandra Clare 4/5★

  • Confess by Colleen Hoover 3/5★review
  • Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie 4.5/5★ review
  • The Changeling (The Changeling #1) by Philippa Gregory 1.5/5★ review
  • Essays collection by George Orwell review
  • Great Expectations by Charles Dickens


I technically did not finish Anna Karenina and The Changeling to I marked them as dnf-ed because I don't want to finish them. I also haven't read all of Orwell's essays but yea. I got to page 140 out of 508 of Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, so I will try to finish this one this weekend so before #booktubeathon starts.


As you can see I didn't participated in the TBRTakedown read-along as I planned to. When that read-along started I still hadn't finish Purple Hibiscus and George Orwell's essays so I really wanted to finish those two before the end of the month and I did start The Changeling but I didn't like that one at all. I couldn't do most of the challenges anyways and I wasn't in the mood for those books so I decided to leave it for it was and read Great Expectations instead.


I also listened to three fairy tales of the brothers Grimm on PodCast: Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White and Rapunzel. The last two are on the Rory Gilmore reading list so at least I've read them now. I still want a bindup of all of Grimm's fairy tales, but that's a start.


When it comes to tv shows and movies I watched more than usual. I've rewatched the entire first season of Gossip Girl and Gilmore Girls (I only have 2 episodes of Gilmore Girls season 1 left to watch).I also watched the first few episodes of Suits season 3, but for some reason I can't get into it and I'm not liking that season so far. Should I continue watching it?


And last but not least I've watched four movies:


So this was a pretty good month, right?! I also wanted to mention that I've (finally) passed my driving test so now I can finally drive around!


August will be the last month I don't have to do anything school related, so that will be a pretty good month as well.


What books have you read in July and which one was your favorite?